Client Portfolio

I've lent my voice to prestigious clients

I've worked as a professional narrator and dubber for esteemed clients, including the United States Government, Birra Moretti, Luigi Lavazza, Dream&Dream Milano, 21-Draw, Hidden Industries GmbH, Hidden Games, Wyscout, Simon&Shuster, Dare to Care, Felder Gruppe, Cetem-Eligroup, FlipFly, GAEditori, Palau Ducal dels Borja, ABPublishing, Franklin Covey, Orchestra Franco Bagutti, Orchestra Graziano Cianni, (...)

Gianluca Sordi - Narration for ACX Audiobooks on Audible
Narration of  Dale Carnegie's How to Win Friends and Influence People

Among the audiobooks I've brought to life in my own audio production studio, notable bestsellers include:

"Come trattare gli altri e farseli amici", di Dale Carnegie;
"Le 7 regole per avere successo", di Stephen R. Covey;
"Bacia quel ranocchio", di Brian Tracy;
"I 5 linguaggi dell'amore", di Gary Chapman;
"Mappe Mentali", di Tony e Barry Buzan;
"Il Canto degli Uccelli", di Christian Vogel;
"La Rosa Bianca e la Forza delle Parole", di Antonello La Piana; "DOC da Relazione", di Andrea Iengo;
"Dubbio Patologico", di Andrea e Maurizio Iengo; "Meraviglia della Diversità" e "I Pensieri", di Andrzej Budzinski; ...

US Capitol Visitor Center Audioguide in Washington, D.C. Official Voice
Capitol Visitor Center Exhibition Hall

Italian tourists visiting the U.S. Capitol are guided by me at the US Capitol Visitor Center in Washington, D.C., and they also hear me through various characters in reconstruction and documentary videos.

On the 500th Anniversary of Leonardo da Vinci's death, for the "Seeties" app, I portray the Master in a detailed and enjoyable guide to his works in the city of Milan, in Augmented Reality.

The audioguide for the visit to the "Palau Ducal dels Borja" in Gandia, Valencia, Spain, accompanies the listener with my voice throughout the tour as well as the one for the "City of Bremen" (Germany) to discover its historic center and surroundings.

Actor for Hidden Games, Crime Scene - Case No. 4, Balancing on a Wire
Actor for Hidden Games, Crime Scene - Case No. 3, Green Poison

My brief participation in Case No. 3 - "Green Poison" - of Hidden Games Crime Scene, playing the role of Oliviero Carasco, opened doors to acting, including the lead role of Insp. Gianpaolo Locatelli in the subsequent Case No. 4 - "Balancing on a Wire."

Mark Kistler, ADR Voice over for 21Draw
Rodgon (alias Rodriguez Gonzales), ADR Voice over for 21Draw

For the well-known Swedish online art courses platform 21 Draw (, I perform ADR dubbing for the courses "Learn to Draw in 21 Days" by Mark Kistler, "How to Draw Cute Animals" by Rodgon the Artist (alias Rodriguez Gonzales), "Drawing Caricatures" by Loopydave.

Lavazza Romania Commercial Voice over in Romanian - Watch on Lavazza YouTube Channel

Professional Voice Over and Advertising Dubbing in Romanian

Commercial dubbing for Birra Moretti

Thanks to my fluent knowledge of the Romanian language, I had the extraordinary opportunity to lend my voice for the dubbing of the advertising campaign by Luigi Lavazza, titled "There's more to taste," dedicated to the Romanian market in radio, television, cinema, and special events.

My involvement in this project was a very gratifying experience as it allowed me to apply my linguistic skills in a creative and professional context and refine them.

I'm excited to continue as a professional voiceover in Romanian for future projects, just as I did for the off-screen voice in the 2023 advertising season of Birra Moretti Romania, for its internal culinary competitions, among others.

abp publishing audiobook narrator

capitol visitors center turistic audioguide italian dubber and voice over

palau ducal dels borja museum audioguide italian voice

audible amazon audiobook italian narrator

publishing group italian narrator

felder gruppe corporate italian narrator and dubber

birra moretti italian commercial dubber

franklin covey publisher italian audiobooks narrator

gaeditori italian audiobooks narrator

italian voice actor for hidden games episodio 4 in bilico su un filo

adr italian dubber for mark kistler s voice for 21draw

luigi lavazza italian commercial dubber